REFO 500講員簡介

【REFO 500講員簡介】


唐崇榮牧師(Rev Stephen Tong)

著名基督教華人佈道家和神學家,創設印尼歸正福音教會、美國華府之基督教與21世紀歸正學院、唐崇榮國際佈道團,身為雅加達國際歸正福音神學院(International Reformed Evangelical Seminary, Jakarta)創辦人暨榮譽院長。自1957年迄今,向全球超過三千萬人次講道,足跡遍及亞、歐、美及大洋洲。唐博士思想橫貫中西、鑑古知今,每次以獨到洞見精關闡釋上帝啟示之真理,是各地青年、知識份子愛戴的教師,普世教會敬重的牧者。為表彰他長期宣揚正統基督教信仰所樹立的典範,美國費城西敏神學院特於2008年頒予其榮譽博士學位,並於2011年為其設立唐崇榮歸正神學教授席位(Stephen Tong Chair of Reformed Theology)。

唐博士以福音及文化雙重使命致力於歸正福音運動之實踐。作為牧師, 他還精研哲學、歷史、美術、音樂和建築。他創立雅加達聖樂社(Jakarta Oratorio Society)、作曲、指揮;身兼雅加達交響樂團(Jakarta Simfonia Orchestra)創辦人暨音樂總監(Music Director)。他設計監造歸正千禧建築群,其中有彌賽亞大教堂——世界最大椎圓頂基督教堂之一、雅加達交響音樂廳——印尼全國最大的國際級音樂廳、博物館,並繼續規劃籌建基督教大學。



王怡牧師 ,原成都大學法學講師,著名的憲政學者和基督徒作家。 1973年出生於四川三台。

2005年信主受洗後,帶領家庭聚會。 2008年12月辭去教職,蒙召全職服侍,2009年6月在(成都)秋雨之福教會選立為教導長老,2011年10月按牧。












王志勇牧師,1966年生於山東省齊河縣安付屯。 1996年在北京家庭教會中蒙恩信主。 1997年蒙召在北京參加宣教與教牧事奉,2001年在北京一家改革宗教會內被按立為牧師,2007年、2009年先後獲美國加爾文神學院神學研究碩士、神學碩士學位。 2010年10月初開始在美國大華府地區擔任主恩基督教會主任牧師。先後在北京、上海、昆明、成都、延吉等二十個省市宣教,並前往俄羅斯、香港、新加坡、英國、美國、加拿大等地證道、講學、培訓。



生長於中國大陸西北蘭州,1994年蒙恩成為上帝的兒女。 1998年蒙召奉獻,2004年在奧蘭多改革宗神學院(Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando, FL)獲道學碩士;畢業後蒙呼召任奧蘭多華人福音教會傳道人,並在2005年被按立為牧師; 2008-2009帶領教會加入美洲長老會。在2015年8月卸任主任牧師職分。






1991年春獲美國賓夕法尼亞大學物理化學博士學位。同年赴加拿大作博士後研究期間信主。 1992 年秋蒙召入讀溫哥華維真神學院,並參與該校中國研究部事奉,帶領卑詩大學中國學人查經班。於1995年春取得基督教研究碩士學位。自1996年5月起任溫哥華浸信會信友堂主任牧師迄今。



楊慶球牧師現任加拿大恩道華人神學院院長,恩道大學學院神學科教授。楊牧師牧會多年,1987-1995年擔任渥太華華人宣道會主任牧師,1991年1月受按為加拿大宣道會牧師,其間教會由二百人增長至六百多人,並在任期間先後植了三所堂會。 1995年返港在建道神學院任教,1999-2011年於中國神學研究院擔任中國文化研究中心主任及神學科教授。在國內重視中國教牧人員的培訓,並曾為多所大學客座教授。 2012年楊牧師因感加拿大華人神學教育的需要,全家由香港搬到卡加里,接受恩道神學院的邀請,就任現職。 2013年起,擔任南卡城華人播道會義務諮詢牧師。



陳佐人牧師生於台灣基隆市,10歲移居香港。 1979年奉獻傳道,畢業於香港中文大學崇基神學組。 1989年於芝加哥大學神學院獲神學博士。他從1996年至今任教於美國西雅圖大學神學系,並出任美國基督教與廿一世紀歸正學院教務長。他常於各學術期刊發表中英文神學論文,另為《歷代基督教思想學術文庫》撰寫學術性導論專文:David Tracy,《詮釋學、宗教、希望》(1995),Pseudo-Dionysius, 《神秘神學》 (1996),等。



籍貫山東省。本科畢業於山東聊城大學外語系,雙學士畢業於中國人民大學國際關係學院;後任職於北京市委黨校。 2012年被美國Midwest大學授予榮譽博士學位。在美國威敏斯特神學院(Westminster Theological Seminary) 碩士畢業後,順利完成護教學博士課程成為博士候選人。現在是英國杜倫大學(Durham University)修讀宗教神學博士學位。

傅博士早年曾因參加1989年天安門學生運動而遭受逼迫,並因此絕望以至於心靈覺醒,接受《聖經》真理,成為熱心傳播福音的基督徒。 1996年,傅博士夫婦因在北京從事大學生家庭教會的帶領工作而被捕入獄2個月,後逃亡美國;並於2002年創辦“對華援助協會”並任會長至今。他曾在“基督教與21世紀歸正學院”做過講師,也是德克薩斯美德藍市Midcities Community Church牧師之一。




Dr. Herman J. Selderhuis 胡禮士 (荷蘭阿珀爾多倫神學歷史系教授)

is professorof Church History at the Theological University Apeldoorn (The Netherlands) and director of Refo500, the international platformonprojects relating to the 16th Century. He is the author and editor of several books, including John Calvin- A Pilgrim's Life (2009). Among his other functionsarepresident of the International Calvin Congress and Curator of Research at the John A Lasco Library (Emden, Germany).


Ligon Duncan 裡根·鄧肯 (美國改革宗神學院 院長)

is the Chancellor/CEO of Reformed Theological Seminary and the John E. Richards Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology. Ligon was born in Greenville, SC, and reared in the home of an eighth generation Presbyterian ruling elder. A 1983 graduate of Furman University ( BA History), he received the M.Div. and MA (Historical Theology) from Covenant Theological Seminary. He earned thePh.D.from the University of Edinburgh, New College, Scotland, in 1995 (under the supervision of renowned Reformation and Patristics scholar, David F. Wright). While in Scotland he also studied Systematic Theology at the Free Church of Scotland College (now Edinburgh Theological Seminary) with Professor Donald Macleod.


Dr. Michael Horton (麥克. 霍頓 《沒有基督的基督教》 作者)

has taught apologetics and theology at Westminster Seminary California since 1998. In addition to his work at the Seminary, he is the president of White Horse Inn, for which he co-hosts the White Horse Inn, a nationally syndicated, weekly radio talk-show exploring issues of Reformation theology in American Christianity. He is also the editor-in-chief of Modern Reformation magazine. Before coming to WSC, Dr. Horton completed a research fellowship at Yale University Divinity School. A member of various societies, including the American Academy of Religion and the Evangelical Theological Society, Dr. Horton is the author/editor of more than twenty-five books, including a series of studies in Reformed dogmatics published by Westminster John Knox.

His most recent books are Core Christianity: Finding Yourself in God's Story; Ordinary: Sustainable Faith in a Radical, Restless World, Calvin on the Christian Life: Glorifying and Enjoying God Forever, Pilgrim Theology: Core Doctrines for Christian Disciples, The Christian Faith: A Systematic Theology for Pilgrims on the Way and The Gospel Commission. He has written articles for Modern Reformation, Pro Ecclesia, Christianity Today, The International Journal of Systematic Theology, Touchstone, and Books and Culture.

Dr. Horton is Associate Pastor of Christ United Reformed Church in Santee, California, and lives in Escondido with his wife, Lisa, and four children.


Michael Reeves 麥克.禮夫 (威爾士福音神學院高級講師)

Michael Reeves is an author who lives in the UK and currently serves as Director of the online theology website and Senior Lecturer at Wales Evangelical School of Theology.


Os Guinness 葛尼斯 (資深護教學家)

Os Guinness is an author and social critic. Great-great-great grandson of Arthur Guinness, the Dublin brewer, he was born in China in World War Two where his parents were medical missionaries. A witness to the climax of the Chinese revolution in 1949 , he was expelled with many other foreigners in 1951 and returned to Europe where he was educated in England. He completed his undergraduate degree at the University of London and his D.Phil in the social sciences from Oriel College, Oxford.


Rev. Dr. Peter Lillback 李白珂 (美國威斯敏斯特神學院 院長)

(PhD, Westminster Theological Seminary)

is president and professor of historical theology and church history at Westminster Theological Seminary. He also serves as the president of The Providence Forum and senior editor of the new Unio cum Christo: An International Journal of Reformed Theology and Life.

Dr. Lillback's academic interests include church history, the doctrine of Scripture, public theology, the theology of John Calvin, Johannine Theology, and Christianity as it relates to American history. For those who are new to Dr. Lillback's writing and teaching on his research interests, he recommends several resources as places to start. On Calvin, he would recommend starting with his work co-edited with David Hall, A Theological Guide to Calvin's Institutes: Essays and Analysis, as well as his lecture “The Place of Covenant in Calvin's Theology.” Also consider his course Covenant Theology, available free online from Westminster, which specifically focuses on Calvin's contribution to the development of covenant theology during the Reformation.

Concerning Dr. Lillback's research on Christianity in American history, he would recommend his publications George Washington's Sacred Fire and Wall of Misconception, or his lecture “The American Presbyterian Experience of Religious Liberty and the American Amendments to the Westminster Confession.” On the doctrine of Scripture, he recommends his recent work co-edited with Dr. Richard Gaffin Thy Word Is Still Truth, which is a survey of essential writings on the doctrine of Scripture from the Reformation to today.

It is Dr. Lillback's pleasure, as president, to host a variety of prominent teachers and speakers at Westminster, which he will also share on this site. For example, it was his joy to help establish the Richard B. Gaffin Lectures on Theology, Culture, and Mission, an annual lecture series in honor of the great biblical theologian and Westminster professor emeritus Dr. Richard Gaffin. Past lecturers include Bruce Waltke, Peter Jensen, Robert Letham, Al Mohler, DA Carson, John Piper, and more.


Philip Graham Ryken 腓力.萊肯(麻省惠頓學院院長)

is the eighth and current president of Wheaton College in Wheaton, Illinois.


Ravi Zacharias 拉維.撒迦利亞 (RZIM創辦人,資深研究員)

is Founder and President of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM). Zacharias has spoken all over the world for 45 years in scores of universities, notably Harvard, Dartmouth, Johns Hopkins, and Cambridge. He has addressed writers of the peace accord in South Africa and military officers at the Lenin Military Academy and the Center for Geopolitical Strategy in Moscow. At the invitation of the President of Nigeria, he addressed delegates at the First Annual Prayer Breakfast for African Leaders held in Mozambique.

Zacharias has direct contact with key leaders, senators, congressmen, and governors who consult him on an ongoing basis. He has addressed the Florida Legislature and the Governor's Prayer Breakfast in Texas and Louisiana, and has twice spoken at the Annual Prayer Breakfast at the United Nations in New York, which marks the beginning of the UN General Assembly each year. As the 2008 Honorary Chairman of the National Day of Prayer, he gave addresses at the White House, the Pentagon, and The Cannon House. He has had the privilege of addressing the National Prayer Breakfasts in the seats of government in Ottawa, Canada, and London, England, and speaking at the CIA in Washington, DC.

Born in India in 1946, Zacharias immigrated to Canada with his family twenty years later. While pursuing a career in business management, his interest in theology grew; subsequently, he pursued this study during his undergraduate education. He received his Master of Divinity from Trinity International University in Deerfield, Illinois. Well-versed in the disciplines of comparative religions, cults, and philosophy, he held the chair of Evangelism and Contemporary Thought at Alliance Theological Seminary for three and a half years. Zacharias has been a visiting scholar at Ridley Hall, Cambridge (then affiliated with Cambridge University, now more recently allied with Cambridge and affiliated with Durham University) where he studied moralist philosophers and literature of the Romantic era. He has been honored with the conferring of nine doctoral degrees, including a Doctor of Laws and a Doctor of Sacred Theology.

Zacharias has authored or edited over 25 books including the Gold Medallion winner Can Man Live Without God (Word, 1994), Walking from East to West (Zondervan, 2006), The Grand Weaver (Zondervan, 2007), Has Christianity Failed You? ( Zondervan, 2010), Why Jesus, (FaithWords, 2012), and Beyond Opinion (Thomas Nelson, 2007), which includes contributions from RZIM's global team. His latest books are Jesus Among Secular Gods (2017) and Why Suffering? (2014) , both coauthored with Vince Vitale and released by FaithWords. Several of his books have been translated into Russian, Chinese, Korean, Thai, Spanish, and other languages.

Zacharias has appeared on CNN, Fox, and other international broadcasts. His weekly radio program, “Let My People Think,” airs on 2337 outlets worldwide, his weekday program, “Just Thinking,” on 721, and his one-minute, “ Just a Thought,” on 488. Various broadcasts are also translated into Romanian and Turkish, and “Let My People Think” airs as the Spanish-language program “Pensemos” on over 250 outlets in sixteen countries. Additionally, his television program, “ Let My People Think,” is broadcast internationally in several countries including Indonesia. RZIM is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, with additional offices in Canada, India, Singapore, the United Kingdom, the Middle East, Hong Kong, Romania, Turkey, Austria, Spain, Latin America, and South Africa. Zacharias and his wife, Margie, have three grown children. They reside in Atlanta.


Dr. Richard Pratt 理查德‧柏瑞特 (第三千禧事工創辦人)

is the President of Third Millennium Ministries ( Third Millennium was launched in response to the lack of training of Christian leaders around the world. Third Millennium recognizes where the church is growing the fastest, those Christian leaders have the least amount of training. Dr. Pratt personally witnessed this in the 1980's as he traveled for missions. Helping the church worldwide became his passion. He believed that any person that had the desire to learn more about the Bible should be given that opportunity. Furthermore, it should be accessible, in their own language, and at no cost to them.

Third Millennium was launched in 1997 to provide: "Biblical Education, For the World, For Free." This goal is being met by building a multimedia seminary curriculum in English, Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin), Russian and Spanish. These lessons are recorded and designed in house and are similar to the style of what one might see on the History Channel.

Third Millennium has developed cost-effective methods of producing high-quality multimedia video lessons for their target audiences. Third Millennium strives to maintain quality not only in production, but also in content. Instructors are seminary professors and theologically trained educators. In addition, all translators are theologically astute native speakers of their language.

Dr. Pratt taught at Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, MS, and Orlando, FL, for 21 years. He also chaired the Old Testament Department in Orlando. He received a BA from Roanoke College, his M.Div. from Union Theological Seminary, and his Th.D. from Harvard University. Dr. Pratt has traveled extensively throughout the world to evangelize and lecture, including Australia, China, Czech Republic, Ecuador, Indonesia, Mexico, Mongolia, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Turkey, Ukraine, the United Kingdom and throughout the United States.

Dr. Pratt served as the General Editor for the NIV Spirit of the Reformation Study Bible. Dr. Pratt's books include Every Thought Captive, Pray With Your Eyes Open, Designed for Dignity, and He Gave Us Stories, as well as two commentaries: one on I and II Chronicles and the other on I and II Corinthians. His books have been translated into several languages including Chinese (Mandarin), Russian and Spanish. Dr. Pratt is also a contributor to the Complete Literary Guide to the Bible and has authored numerous journal articles.


Sinclair Ferguson 傳格森 (西敏神學院達拉斯德州校院的系統神學教授,是位多產作家和知名的特會講員。)

Dr. Sinclair B. Ferguson is a Ligonier teaching fellow and distinguished visiting professor of systematic theology at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. His many books include The Whole Christ.


Dr. Steven J. Lawson 史蒂夫勞森 (OnePassion事工創辦人)

Dr. Steven J. Lawson is President and founder of OnePassion Ministries, a ministry designed to equip biblical expositors to bring about a new reformation in the church. Dr. Lawson hosts The Institute for Expository Preaching in cities around the world. Dr. Lawson is also a Teaching Fellow for Ligonier Ministries, where he serves on its board. Moreover, he is Professor of Preaching and oversees the Doctor of Ministry program at The Master's Seminary, where he also serves on its board. Further, Dr. Lawson serves as the Executive Editor for Expositor Magazine published by OnePassion Ministries.

has served as a pastor for thirty-four years in Arkansas and Alabama. Most recently, he was senior pastor of Christ Fellowship Baptist Church in Mobile, Alabama. He is a graduate of Texas Tech University (BBA), Dallas Theological Seminary (ThM) , and Reformed Theological Seminary (DMin).

Dr. Lawson is the author of twenty four books, his most recent being The Passionate Preaching of Martyn Lloyd-Jones and The Daring Mission of William Tyndale. His other books include The Kind of Preaching God Blesses, The Heroic Boldness of Martin Luther, The Gospel Focus of Charles Spurgeon, Foundations of Grace, Pillars of Grace, Famine in the Land, Psalms volumes 1 and 2 and Job in the Holman Old Testament Commentary Series. He is the series editor for The Long Line of Godly Men series with Reformation Trust .

Dr. Lawson's books have been translated into many languages, including Russian, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, German, Albanian, Korean, and Indonesian. He has contributed articles to such magazines and theological journals as Expositor, Tabletalk, The Banner of Truth, The Master's Seminary Journal, The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology, Bibliotheca Sacra, Decision, Discipleship Journal, and others.

Dr. Lawson's preaching ministry takes him around the world, which has included throughout the United Kingdom, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Ukraine, Russia, New Zealand, Japan, Brazil, the Dominican Republic, South Africa, Mexico, and Canada. Likewise, he speaks at conferences throughout the United States, including Shepherds' Conference and Ligonier Ministries National and Regional Conferences.
